



1: Does a Solar Panel produce full power?

A: In most cases, it is normal for a solar panel to not be able to provide its full nominal power.

2. Factors affecting the performance of solar panels:

Peak Sun Hours, Sunlight Angle, Operating Temperature, Installation Angle, Panel Shading, Adjacent Buildings Etc...

3. How to test a solar panel?

A: The ideal conditions: Test in the noon, under a clear sky, panels should be at 25 degrees tilted towards the sun, and the battery is at a low state/less than 40% SOC. Disconnect the solar panel from any other loads, using a multimeter to test the panel's current and voltage.

4. How does temperature affect solar panel efficiency?

A: Solar panels are generally tested at about 77°F/25°C and are rated to perform at peak efficiency between 59°F/15°C and 95°F/35°C. Temperature going up or down will change the efficiency of the panels. For example, if the temperature coefficient of power is -0.5%, then the panel maximum power will be reduced by 0.5% for every 50°F/10°C rise.

5. How to install our solar panels using different brackets?

A: There are mounting holes on the panel frame for easy installation using a variety of brackets. Most compatible with Newpowa's Z-mount, tilt-adjustable mount, and pole/wall mount, making panel mounting suitable for a variety of applications.

6. Can I connect different solar panels together?

A: Though mixing different solar panels is not recommended, the mismatch can be achievable as long as each panel’s electrical parameters (voltage, current, wattage) are carefully considered.